Naaa, Naaa, Why Don’t You Cut Your Hair?

That’s a question I get asked a lot, especially by my grandma and mom. Okay, it doesn’t go exactly like that, but I do get told I need a haircut quite often, and my answer is no. In fact, I’m not going to get it cut until it’s about 15 inches long. Now, you might be wondering why I don’t want to cut my hair until then, and no, it’s not because I’m “some punk kid” that “just wants to defy authority.” No, I’m not growing my hair out so I can feel it blow in the wind when I have the windows down while driving to wherever (although that would be nice lol).

My reason for growing my hair out to the middle of my back is so I can donate it to either Wigs for Kids, or Locks of Love. I’m not sure which organization I’m going with yet, but I’ve heard that Wigs for Kids makes more wigs than Locks of Love. I’m letting my hair grow because I’m actually able to let it grow. There are some kids out there that have medical conditions where they lose their hair, and some of those kids get heckled for not having hair.
I just figure that since I’m able to grow my hair out nice and long, why should it go to waste? It’s like how when I go to the store, I rarely park close, even if there’s an open spot next to the entrance because I can walk long distances without pain or needing a wheelchair. There are people with broken legs, or only one leg, or whatever, that need that “rock-star parking spot” more than I do. I don’t need my hair to be down to my butt, or even to the middle of my back, but I’m doing it so I can donate my hair so doesn’t just go in the trash.
I’m not trying to be all high and mighty about this, but I’m just letting you know why my hair is long so they next time you see me at On The Green for Monday Night Football, you’ll know why I have long hair.
P.S. – If you can figure out the reference from the title, *HIGH FIVE!*


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