Oskaloosa School Board 9-14-15

Oskaloosa School board met in regular session Monday and passed through a fairly routine agenda. The board heard presentations from a number of groups as updates. The Summer Jump Start program informed the board that students increased more than 80 percent in reading or math during the 20-day sessions held in July. Mollie McCulley and Brett Doud from the middle school and Patricia Eckenbreck, librarian at the high school and middle school made the presentation.

The district leadership team met for the first time this year. They have established goals for the team and benchmarks. Denise Morris, Beth Hodges and Barbara Puffinbarger presented the goals and information.

High school social studies teacher Jeff Lorentzen and middle school instructor appeared before the board requesting to take a group of students to Boston in April 2016. Lorentzen said this trip will not replace the Washington, D.C.. trip he has taken, but an alternative for this year.
Lorentzen said he would follow the same procedure as in the past and will use the same company to set up the trip. The students pay for the trip. No school funds are used for the trip. Lorentzen was requesting using his classroom to advertise and coordinate the trip. School policy requires board approval even when school funds are not being used.

The elementary principals presented information on the summer reading program. Mike Dursky led the discussion. Dursky said the students met in the morning at the elementary school. He stated the students also saw similar growth as those in the Jump Start program. Dursky also said the ability to serve breakfast and lunch by the Summer Lunch Program, coupled with the ability to provide transportation aided the success of the program.

Story provided by RD Keep


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