Plots Still Available at Community Garden Sites in Oskaloosa

Community gardening is on the rise in Oskaloosa!  In 2016 there is an additional garden as well as additional plots at the community gardens in Oskaloosa.  One place interested gardeners can find information about the community gardens of Oskaloosa is the new website  bzposky.wix.com/communitygardens.  This website was developed by Emily Brown, United Way Community Impact Coordinator.  The site will be updated during the growing season!

Community Garden sites and the facilitators at the sites in Oskaloosa include OCSD Glendale Garden, Ron VanHeuvelen (641-660-4329. rvheuvelen@gmail.com); Hope Gardens, Blaine Vos (641-676-1601, oskyhope@gmail.com); Lifeforge Church Garden, David Steinbron (641-638-1657, daalstein@gmail.com); and William Penn Garden, Marsha Riordan (641-673-1044, riordanm@wmpenn.edu).

The OCSD FFA learning garden will again plant, tend, and harvest their garden and establish raised beds for vegetable production.  The produce will be provided to the local food pantries.  OCSD FFA Learning Garden facilitator is AG/FFA Instructor Bret Spurgin (641-895-2291, spurgeinb@oskyccsd.org).

For more information about community gardening in Oskaloosa, specific gardening topics or Mahaska County Extension horticulture programming, please contact Mahaska County Extension by email striegel@iastate.edu or phone at 641-673-5841 or visit our website www.extension.iastate.edu/mahaska.


Information from news release from ISU Extension, Mahaska County.


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