Under The Radar Music: Junior Brown

This guy looks and sounds like a throwback to the 50s, and is also a guitar monster. Jamieson “Junior” Brown was born in 1952 and began his music career in the 1960s.

In 1985, Brown invented a double-neck guitar. Brown called it the “guit-steel”. When performing, Brown plays the guitar by standing behind it, while it rests on a small music stand. The top neck on the guit-steel is a traditional six-string guitar, while the lower neck is a full-size lap steel guitar for slide playing. Brown has two guit-steels for recording and live work. The original instrument, dubbed “Old Yeller”, has as its standard six-string guitar portion the neck and pickups from Brown’s previous stage guitar, a Fender Bullet.

Here’s one of his better-known numbers, called “Highway Patrol”:

The rather amusing video for “My Wife Thinks You’re Dead”:

Finally, for something completely out of left field, here he is with Stone Temple Pilots, from David Letterman’s Late Show:



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